AFB90-4123: Rent the product


Series of necklaces and bracelets coordinates, sets made during the 90s by AFB. Gold-plated brass as the main material and glass, hard stones and cabochon as ornaments of this for the production of very elegant objects, light and bright.


SKU AFB90-4123_rent Category


Serie di collane e bracciali coordinate, parure realizzate durante gli anni Novanta da Artigiana Fiorentina Bigiotteria. Ottone dorato come materiale principale e vetro, pietre dure e cabochon come ornamenti di questo per la produzione di oggetti molto eleganti, leggeri e luminosi.

Additional information

1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks

Via Guido Rossa 6/8
Cascine del Riccio, Impruneta 50023
Firenze – Toscana – Italia
P.IVA IT04690810488

055 2349647

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